Month: September 2023


Task Description: Since Team Tui had been doing an outstanding job this week, teachers have decided to reward us with Fun Tasks! Everyone would be given a point on each task if correct. If you comment right now as a teacher or a student from Team Tui I will appreciate it

GTS Matariki Festival 2023

Task Description: I think this festival have been pretty successful. We both have been doing our equal shares on each stall, which are good. I’m glad we both knew what to do in each situation. Though we should’ve promoted more like the others so we’d have more customers. Still, I think my group, (Moe and I,) were great!

Fun with Protractors

Task Description: How do we figure out this equation?

  1. Put one ray of the angle on the 0° mark.
  2. Put the centre of the protractor where the two rays meet.
  3. Read the angle starting from 0° mark.

Then you can solve all the questions from (Year 6, U.6)
For Maths today, Most of Team Tui did IXL and learning about Protractors.

The correct answer here is 45° because you can start from either sides, (0° and 180°) So I counted, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and then 45° So I realised the answer was 45°. Sounds very simple so have a try!