Why is Learning a Second Language Important?

Why is Learning a Second Language Important?
Learning a second language is really helpful. It may boost your confidence in other countries and when you need help, you could speak the same language as your peers.

“Why do I NEED to Learn it?”
You don’t NEED to learn it but learning a second language can really help you once you’re in a foreign country. Learning a second language can be learnt in your free time. It really is worth your time!

What Languages are Recommended to Learn?
For beginners, Spanish is the easiest language to learn and it’s really well known. You can start off by learning simple words like, Hola is Hello, Como Estas is How are you and Cuidate is Take care.

How can we Learn These Languages?
There are many apps to use such as Memrise and Duolingo. I really recommend Memrise as it helps you say, read and speak it. You can also hire tutors to help you or ask friends for help.

This is why you should learn a Language in your spare time. Once you travel to a different country, you would understand everything there is to know about it.

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